Online poker and online casino have been taking the gaming world by surprise. Gone are the days when people used to go down to the nearest local casino to play gambling with friends because today they can have the pleasure of playing it anytime, anywhere.
Mistakes on playing online poker, are perhaps normal. So don’t fret! What’s not normal is when you don’t acknowledge that you are already committing a mistake, because that can ruin a winning game for you.
To help you avoid doing mistakes, here are a few common mistakes to watch out for.
1 Setting Goals Without a Plan of How to Achieve Them
This is so common. Most cases are when people set goals with no guts and move to achieve them. For example, a player says “I want to win $50,000 this year from poker” but then has no idea how he is going to do it. Then that should definitely be a no-no.
2 Setting Monetary Goals
Remember, poker is a game of luck! And every day may not always be your lucky day. You have to know that you have only partial control over how much money you’re going to win in poker. People like to set money-related goals because it’s easier to measure and, after all, that’s one of the petty reasons why we are playing casino! But the problem lies in the fact that Lady Luck necessarily plays a massive part in affecting how much you win.
3 Not Setting Goals That Are Appropriate for You
Try setting goals that you have complete control over such as only playing when you’re 100% up for the challenge, playing without distractions, taking more notes on players, or learning a new game.